On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 18:48:10 +0100 Paul Howarth wrote: On Wed, 2005-08-17 at 19:00 +0300, Antti J. Huhtala wrote: > Hi all, > > [snip] > > "After installing FC4-x86_64 a few days ago, on July 1st Red Hat Network > wanted me to update lots of RPMs which I okayed. The packets seem to > work OK, but now my box contacts RHN _once_every_minute_ obviously > asking for new updates. What's the point? I should think once per day > would be sufficient..." > > Later I've read RHN FAQs and checked /etc/sysconfig/rhn/rhnsd which only > says: INTERVAL=240 > > If I'm not mistaken, this should mean my box connects to RHN every four > hours. However, I'm still connecting to RHN once every minute (I've got > Ethereal logs to prove it). > > So my question is: Why does my box connect to RHN all the time and where > is the parameter to change? You don't need to run rhnsd at all. There is no Fedora channel on Red Hat Network. up2date just uses regular yum repositories by default in FC4. Paul. -- Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Thanks for your reply, Paul, but it doesn't quite answer my question. I'm not worried about updates as such. I run up2date every two weeks or so, and it works fine - except that it complains about my "registration not being active" and that there is no systemid file in my /etc/sysconfig/rhn or anywhere else. To be precise, my box connects to xmlrpc.rhn.redhat.com with one minute intervals. Assuming this is the server up2date utilises to fetch updates, why must up2date request for updates so often? IMHO, this is neither desirable nor necessary. The configuration file for up2date in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date has a line stating "updateUp2date=1" which roughly means "update whenever possible". I suppose this is a Boolean "1" and not the interval of update requests? Antti