Hi all, originally I wrote this message 3 days after installing FC4 but then I wasn't a subscriber to fedora-list and my msg never appeared in public: "After installing FC4-x86_64 a few days ago, on July 1st Red Hat Network wanted me to update lots of RPMs which I okayed. The packets seem to work OK, but now my box contacts RHN _once_every_minute_ obviously asking for new updates. What's the point? I should think once per day would be sufficient..." Later I've read RHN FAQs and checked /etc/sysconfig/rhn/rhnsd which only says: INTERVAL=240 If I'm not mistaken, this should mean my box connects to RHN every four hours. However, I'm still connecting to RHN once every minute (I've got Ethereal logs to prove it). So my question is: Why does my box connect to RHN all the time and where is the parameter to change? TIA, Antti