Garry Harthill wrote:
I'd suggest making the partition on the new disk the same size or bigger
than the old root partition and then using "dd" to copy the actual
partition across rather than mounting the filesystem and using a regular
copy tool. This will ensure that an exact copy is made. You can then use
resize2fs to expand the new root filesystem to fill its partition, and
tune2fs to change the filesystem label - otherwise you'll have two
filesystems labelled "/", which will confuse the kernel.
Is tune2fs nessercery if grub.conf is using "root=/dev/hdc2" and not
using a label.
Correct, it wouldn't be necessary. However, if instead of editing your
existing grub.conf entry, you copied it and then edited the copy (so
that old and new were still present), you'd then have a choice of which
root partition to boot using, which might be nice to have if something
prevented the copy from working properly. Since the original entry used
a filesystem label, it would be wise to ensure that there wasn't a
duplicate label around, hence using tune2fs to change the label on the copy.
Also if I go with a file copy (cp -a for example) this
doesn't do anything with the labels so there wouldn't be a problem? Is
this correct?
Yes, that's correct. Using dd would be significantly faster though.
I'm just trying to cover all bases and understand this a bit better. Sorry :)
Perfectly understandable.