I am seeking some desperately needed help getting my linux fileserver working with my Windows 2003 ADS domain. I have been struggling with this thing for a few weeks now and I am now beyond screaming rage to abject resignation. The problem: Kerberos I can't get the (multiple expletives deleted) thing to work. Each time I think I'm getting somewhere, something else is wrong. If there are any who feel up to taking on this project and helping with a brand clean installation of FC4 I would surely appreciate the help. I'm no dummy and have RTFM'd (but clearly I'm failing to grasp something) and have goodled and have FAQ'd so please don't just (as in only) point me to "good writeups" and think that will solve my problem. I need some hand-holding here until I get whatever it is that I'm failing to grasp. It's probably some stupid thing that I just don't see but I have spent weeks with my server not talking directly to my windows network and I'm starting to get very desperate! Details forthcoming if anybody is interested in helping with this sort of thing... Dejected Down in Texas, -g