Hi, I'm new to Linux and need a little help installing ndiswrapper. I've installed FC4 on my desktop and downloaded updates with Up2date. I have been unable to get my linksys WMP54Gv.4 wireless card recognized by the network wizard. I have downloaded ndiswrapper in order to install the windows xp driver for the card, but am having trouble following all the install instructions on the ndiswrapper website-http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Installation I used the ln -s /usr/src/linux-<kernel-version> /lib/modules/VERSION/build command to build a link to the source, inserting '2.6.11-1.1396_FC4' as the version. The next step went o.k.-'make distclean' in the ndiswrapper-1.2 directory, but the 'make' command produced a 'no link' error. Sure enough, upon clicking the /lib/modules/2.6.11-1.1369_FC4/build and source files it said there was no link. How do I find out if I have the source. If not, how do I get it? What is 'the source'. Why wouldn't it have been installed with FC4? Thanks, Patrick