Timothy Murphy wrote:
david walcroft wrote:
# Override generic defaults with per-arch defaults
%ifarch noarch
%define builddoc 1
%define buildup 0
%define buildsmp 0
%define all_arch_configs $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-%{kversion}-*.config
from the kernel-2.6.spec.
I haven't understood what you are trying to do -
it seems very complicated -
but why not just follow what I assume is standard procedure?
1. Run "make xconfig", loading a config file if you wish;
2. Run "make"
3. As root run "make modules_install; make install".
I was using a method as explained in my OP,install src in rpmbuild,
%define buildsmp 0
rpmbuild -bp
make menuconfig
cp .config SOURCES/kernel-xxxx.i686.config
rpmbuild -bb
but its giving me problems I can't handle so I'll use the traditional way.