On 25 Jul 2005 at 19:26, Martín Marqués wrote: > I used to have extras clamav and clamav-db, but finished installing > dag's because the lack of clamd in extras. I prefer a daemon > scanning. > There is a "highly critical" security advisory on v. 86.1 . That version seems to be the latest I can find in FC3 extras. Dag has the 86.2 version of the entire clam set which corrects the vulns. The dag update installs well, except that if you are running clamav- milter with a quarantine file defined you need to explicitly put "-- external" in the sysconfig file or you get an arcane error stating that "timeout requires external" whether or not you explicily define a timeout. See: http://secunia.com/advisories/16180/ for the gory details on the vulnerability.