Mike McCarty wrote:
Steve Croteau wrote:
I was just minding my own business the other day when I decided to
write a file to my floppy drive using FC3. Much to my surprise the
icon I always found under "computer" was gone. Looked in /etc/fstab
and found no reference. I had just used it 2 weeks ago. Could an
update have removed it for some reason? The same thing happened to
my other FC3 box. What is the exact entry I need to put this back
into /etc/fstab?
Mine looks like this:
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,user,exec,kudzu 0 0
Excuse me for asking but, are you using FC4? Also, would it be the same
on FC3? In an earlier post, he stated that it is now working. I'm
waiting to see what happens on a reboot.
Lexington, Kentucky U.S.A.