Hello Ankush, Tuesday, July 19, 2005, 9:48:00 AM, you wrote: AG> hey friends, AG> I want to know how to change all the file types of .php into .dhtml of AG> a directory.There are few subdirectory under the main directory and AG> each directory contains many .php files. AG> I want to convert all the .php files under the main directory and AG> under its subdirectories to .dhtml. AG> Thanks & Regards AG> Ankush Grover create a shell script named php2dhtml.sh in your homedir with the following contents: #!/bin/sh [ -f "${1}" ] && mv "${1}" "${1/.php/.dhtml}" then do something like: find /path/to/phpfiles/ -name "*.php" -exec ~/php2dhtml.sh {} \; -- Best regards, Shane Shane Lahey <s.lahey@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Homepage: http://craz1.homelinux.com WebAlbum: http://webalbum.webhop.net