Hi everyone.
System in question is an Intel Quad (slot 2) Xeon running FC3. System is
installed on SCSI disks running software RAID 1
Yum updated my kernel to 2.6.12-1.1372_FC3smp.
Now the machine won't boot. Reverting to the previous kernel,
2.6.11-1.35_FC3smp makes the machine work fine. The non-smp
2.6.12-1.1372 kernel also boots.
Removed the smp kernel rpm, re-downloaded, and reinstalled it just to
make sure it wasn't a botched download- still won't boot.
Downloaded srpm and rebuilt all the i686 kernels from source- behavior
the same... single cpu kernel boots but smp kernel does not.
Seems to be a module issue. The kernel boots, it probes the internal IDE
adapter, pauses a couple of seconds, and then ends up showing the md
autorun, can't mount the root filesystem, etc, then a panic and hang.
The SCSI busses are never scanned as they are with the single cpu and
older kernels. Seems like the modules are not loading, none of the SCSI
disks are found, and obviously the kernel can't continue the process.
I checked the build (and manually rebuilt) the initrd and it appears
Anyone else see a similar problem with similar hardware?