david walcroft wrote:
M. Lewis wrote:
Can anyone point me to a HOWTO on listening to streaming audio from
online radio stations via Firefox? Thus far, nothing I have been able
to find works.
I'll see if I can help mike,I use www.live365.com the site is easy to
navigate.There is usually a 'default' programme for streaming
audio,one of these is normal xmms:music
it usually happens automagicly,click on a station will bring up a player
and your away.
There's an exciting playlist setup called, www.webjay.com that might be
worth looking into.
For example, I have Firefox 1.0.4, and am running the CCRMA low-latency
package from Stanford University's Center for Computer Research in Music
and Acoustics. Alsaplayer plays mp3's, and audacity plays .ogg files.
So, when I click on webjay's image/link on the SONG STORM playlist page,
all the mp3 files are "scraped" and deposited in the alsaplayer, and the
alsaplayer automagically starts the stream. I can then save the
playlist and retrieve it, and it is a m3u file of songs.
If you work with the folks at webjay, they'll take you through the
learning curve on how to maximize your setup to go out, find the tunes,
and create playlists for you to mix, match, and have fun with. Just to
abuse the privilege of posting to the list, I'll also take this
opportunity to encourage the conversion to only music that is licensed
for sharing and enjoying by all. Leave the corporate sleaze to wallow
in their pig sty.