Hi, I have iriver mplayer ifp-899 and I`m trying to install some programms to exchange with mp3 data... :) Previous on fc3 I managed it to do ok... I used for start libiriver http://michele.pupazzo.org/libiriver/ and configure error shows: checking for libusb-config... /usr/bin/libusb-config configure: error: Your libusb is too old : 0.1.10a , You need at least 0.1.7 Have anybody working iriver player even in comand line, or maybe some gnome gui...? tnx, Casper P.S. I had some other programs too what req. old compat-libstdc++-8- and don`t want to work with new libs what is in fc4... so with force I installed old, but don`t think I can mess so with usb drivers...