Hey Friends, I downloaded the tar.gz of php,Apache2 and mysql from their sites.I compiled and build them .I am using FC3. But now I am facing problem,I have an application which requires mod_apache_mysql and php_mysql modules to be installed on the FC3. The php version is php-4.4.0.tar.gz Apache version is httpd-2.0.54.tar.gz Mysql version is mysql-standard-4.1.12-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz I build mysql under /usr/local/mysql Apache under /usr/local/apache2 with few of the modules disable like --disable-charset-lite ,--disable-include --disable-setenvif --disable-env etc. list of modules from /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -l core.c mod_access.c mod_auth.c mod_log_config.c prefork.c http_core.c mod_mime.c mod_dir.c I build php with these options --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/axps --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql I added these lines in httpd.conf DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml After that I restarted the apache. Then try to access my application but the application did not run and I checked the logs . In logs there are lines like these: [Sat Jul 16 13:44:44 2005] [notice] child pid 20882 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) There are few testing application which don't require php and mysql they work fine. If I run this application on any other FC3 machine which is having default apache,php and mysql (rpms which comes with FC3) it works fine but I have to install mod_apache_mysql and php_mysql on FC3 otherwise the application does not works. How can i resolve this issue when I build the php,mysql and apache from sources. Please let me know if any other inputs are needed. Thanks & Regards' Ankush Grover