Ted Gervais wrote:
I am using YUM to bring my latest fc4 installation up to date. I notice a need for dependencies as I go along and have been working around them until now. Below is an example of a shortage. I thought Fedora would go off and get the needed dependancies. I see not. Seems to be working more like Slackware now rather than Redhat?? Anyway - should fedora have picked up these depenancies? And if not where do I get this missing file? Maybe Redhat has a place to get them, or maybe you guys know of a better place. And thoughts please? Parsing package install arguments Resolving Dependencies --> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait. ---> Package xemacs-sumo.noarch 0:20050505-4.1 set to be updated --> Running transaction check --> Processing Dependency: apel-xemacs >= 10.5 for package: wl-xemacs --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Missing Dependency: apel-xemacs >= 10.5 is needed by package wl-xemacs
This was an upgrade from FC3, right? Those are FC3 packages and aren't present in FC4 (in fact, there are no "*xemacs*" packages in FC4). Remove them and whatever depends on them. Here's a quick script: # rpm -ev w3m-el-xemacs-1.4.3-2 xemacs-el-21.4.17-0.FC3 \ wl-xemacs-2.10.1-4 apel-xemacs-10.6-5 xemacs-sumo-el-20040818-2 \ xemacs-common-21.4.17-0.FC3 flim-xemacs-1.14.7-1 ddskk-xemacs-12.2.0-4 \ xemacs-nox-21.4.17-0.FC3 xemacs-21.4.17-0.FC3 xemacs-sumo-20040818-2 \ xemacs-info-21.4.17-0.FC3 xemacs-sumo-info-20040818-2 mew-xemacs-3.3-4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer rstevens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - - VitalStream, Inc. http://www.vitalstream.com - - - - If your broker is so damned smart...why is he still working? - ----------------------------------------------------------------------