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Steven W. Orr wrote:
> The problems with it are a mile long and I'm very disappointed that I
> upgraded my home machine.
> * I run Majordomo2 which is a great mailinglist manager. Not all my
>   mail is getting delivered and I'm getting messages with blank
>   bodies. No one else seems to be having this problem. I'm not sure
>   what I can do now. It could be perl, or worse, it could be gcc
>   which was used to build perl.

Drop the pretty GUI, and be a man - use your hand.  Figure out what the
problem is.  Don't blame wonderful software because of your incompetency.

> * I have a Palm IIIc connected on a serial port. pilot-link woks ok
>   but all software that uses pilot-link (jpilot, kpilot, gnome-pilot)
>   are all unable to connect to the device. No one knows why. I
>   suspect gcc.

(see above)

> * I have a Dell Dimension 4700 at work. The upgrade went fine from
>   Core 3 to 4. Afterwards, I went to start X and it failed. The
>   xorg.conf file was identical both before and after the upgrade,
>   including after running system-config-display --configure. The fix,
>   after a team of people poured 6 hours into it was to not use the
>   VESA driver that it used before. The correct choice is to use the
>   i810 driver. The writeup for it is here:

Alright, I'll give you that one.  So you're expecting a completely
flawless upgrade?  2/3 success rate is good, regardless of what you're

> I've had good and bad upgrade experiences before, but this is
> killing me. My home machine is my domain server and it's been pretty
> badly crippled because of the mail problems. I can still use my palm
> but it's a new experience in being crippled.

I don't understand why people like you have to make a big scene like
this.  If you really took the time to learn how stuff works behind the
pretty colors, and fix your stuff when it's broken, perhaps read a few
logs - I'm quite certain that all your problems will clear up.  I'm
never one to just tell someone to "RTFM", but I think this does apply here.

Look at this crap that you polluted the email list with.  Look how much
time you've wasted, yours included.  I didn't even bother to read the
follow-ups, but I'm sure you've been given this type of lecture dozens
of times.  And you've replied once.

Let's say you get a new car, let's call it a brand new Civic - they're
cool, as the kids put it.  This Civic comes with 1/2 a tank of gas,
factory tires, and no tint.  Does this mean you're going to write
consumer reports and tell them that it sucks?  No.  It comes that way
because it was configured that way.  You had a choice of picking another
one, but you didn't.  Is there anything wrong with your new Civic?
Absolutely not.  You're just pissed off because it only has half a tank
of gas, factory tires, and no tint.

The type of petty complaints and blatant whining you bring, are not
welcome here, especially when you do so in such a manner that has you
trying to make a particular operating system look bad due simply to your

Constructive troubleshooting by reading logs, doing research, and a
clue, however, are very welcome here.  There are thousands of people
here who have done all of the above, and they're to help.  They're not
going to help you if you don't take the initiative and do your own
homework first.

Sorry to waste all your guys' time on the list for reading this, but I
do believe that this is a point worth making.


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