Re: Installing on external USB hard drive

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--- Jonathan Berry <berryja@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On 7/12/05, Chris Hood <chris.hood@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Ok I have read all of the archive posts for this
> subject and it
> I really doubt that.  The archive search utility is
> quite useless:
> > doesn't look as if anyone knows how to do this, I
> have tried expert
> > mode, I have tried loading the usb mass storage
> driver. I have even
> > tried plugging in th device after initial install
> boot.
> See the above, it basically "Just Worked" for me. 
> Sounds like you
> have booted the install with "linux expert" as
> required, that is good.
>  That should allow you to install to the USB drive.
> > Needless to say I have been unsucessful in all
> attempts. I have tried
> > with FC4, and RHEL 3 to no avail.
> > 
> > I HAVE however read plenty of posts on other
> forums where people say
> > "I have redhat running on my external usb hdd" ,
> however none of them
> > give any clues how they got it installed.
> > 
> > Basically FC4 only sees the internal SATA drive
> and not the USB drive,
> > and RHEL 3 , doesn't see ANY drives.
> Hmm, you have an internal SATA drive?  That might
> complicate things. 
> What do you mean by "sees"?  Are you saying that
> DiskDruid doesn't
> show your device?  What about fdisk?  Do you have a
> currently running
> system that you could test and see if you can mount
> the USB drive in
> Linux?  Can you mount it?
> > SO has ANYONE got ANY linux installed and running
> on an external USB Hard Drive.
> Yes, see the above email.  If something doesn't work
> for you or
> something is unclear, let us know.  Please be
> specific.
> > The drive I have is a toshiba laptop drive in a
> USB enclosure.
> Jonathan
> -- 
> fedora-list mailing list
> fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> To unsubscribe:
(sorry if you get 2 of these) I sent a how to, but
doesn't look like it went through maybe becasue I had
an attachment. Just to let you know I am running FC4
off an external USB 2 drive so I can help. I'll try to
find the site for the instructions I have on a site
instead of attaching them.

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