Greetings All, I am currently running a Fedora 3 server and it is running very well but for a project that I want to do, I need to try an install Web-CP. Aparently, the Web-CP control Panel says that it needs PHP 4.x with: php-4.3.11 --prefix=/usr --enable-cli --disable-cgi --disable-pear --enable-versioning --enable-memory-limit --with-zlib-dir=/usr --enable-discard-path --enable-ctype --with-mysql=/usr --enable-pcntl --with-pcre-regex=yes --enable-posix --enable-session --enable-sockets --enable-tokenizer --enable-ftp --with-expat-dir=/usr --with-zlib=yes --with-config-file-path=/etc I think that the default FC3 php-4.3.11-2.6 come with almost all of this except for perhaps --enable-pcntl I tried to compile the sources of php-4.3.11 with these setting but it seemed to crash after I installed it so I took it back out. What I would like to know is if some one who has installed Web-CP has the RPM's that they used for Web-CP and the modified PHP? If so then would it be possible for me to get a copy? Cheers, Lonnie