Re: Using cyrus-imapd, and moving off dovecot...

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Alexander Dalloz wrote:

Am Mo, den 11.07.2005 schrieb Bob Chiodini um 12:20:

but that should be /usr/lib64/... right?
My FC3 x86_64 system has deliver in /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd.
The /usr/lib64/cyrus-imapd directory is empty.  In FC3's case maybe
cyrus-imap was built as a 32-bit application.

Philip seems to miss the latest security update of Cyrus-IMAPd to
release 2.2.12. The prior version had %{_libdir} set (.spec file)

%define			_cyrexecdir %{_libdir}/%{name}

which means a lib64 path. The current RPM has changed that to

%define			_cyrexecdir %{_exec_prefix}/lib/%{name}

which a note in the changelog states:

* Thu Jan 06 2005 Simon Matter <simon.matter@xxxxxxxxx>
- don't use %_libdir for %_cyrexecdir, it's a mess on x86_64
- don't use %_libdir for symlinks
- remove %_libdir pachtes

So, first updating to the current Cyrus-IMAPd version, then doing
the further configuration with Sendmail.


I'll do an update shortly, but...  I've changed the definition to use
MAILER(cyrusv2) which seems to be a bit less traumatic, but...

Only adds the mailer (M) definition.  It doesn't seem to actually
"turn it on" anywhere in the rulesets.  Does one need to add
external configuration (via aliases or mailertable) to get mail
to be delivered via $#cyrusv2 instead?  If so, how?



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