stan mcintosh wrote:
Sorry if I'm recovering old ground, but Googling didn't turn up anything
on FC4 slowness. I'm using a 466 MHz Celeron HP Pavilion with an 8GB
drive and an Intel 810 onboard video.
FC2 amazed me with speed, and this old box greatly outperformed the new
PC with Win-XP.
FC2 has completely surprised me with how slow it is. I have a 2.7 GHz
with 256MB RAM, and it takes 3 seconds to start a new xterm. The System
shows 1-3% CPU occupancy, 154MB used RAM, and 96.9MB of swap. I'm a
little bit
surprised that it's using any swap with only 60% of memory full.
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!