Re: Asterisk on FC3

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Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:
Guy Fraser <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

What kinds of IP phones are you using?

If you have POTS connections waht devices are you using?

We have tried to use a couple of different IP phones, but they would only talk to the same brand using their internal gatekeeper software.

The cheap phones I like the best are the grandstream budgetone (around
$65).  I also have a supra spa-3000 for answering the POTS line and
taking messages.  (my motto: anything worth build is worth
over-building. ;-)) I also have sipura spa-841, but the audio path is
very noisy.  I haven't had any show-stopper interoperability problems
that a bit of playing with the options settings couldn't fix.  I do
use ulaw (standard US phone) encoding so that may help.  Every phone
and VOIP provider seems to do ulaw even if it may not be their
preferred encoding.

OB open-source: these phones follow the voip rfc's and can talk to
open-source sip phones (unlike the proprietary stuff like skype which
is in a world to itself.)


Hi wolfgang,

can you tell me your networkinfrastructure with your asterisk??

Do you have an public IP on your asterisk interface?? Or do you have natting behind a firewall??

friendly regards


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