Install Configurations (FC4) for future releases...

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Does anyone know if they are going to Expand the installer to allow setting of the configuration for some packages before the install starts instead of using generic settings.
An example would be the installation of PHP 5.0.4.  There are a number of  
switches in the ./configure that usually need to be adjusted fro the  
current default install.  If would be nice to be able to turn on mysql  
support, gd support or turn off certain switches.  As it stands now it is  
a MAJOR pain in the butt to change these things after the initial  
install.  Unless I am missing something it is not that simple to change  
these configurations.  You have to go through some MAJOR hoops just to  
change those switches because PHP and Apache2 are not installed in any  
manner similar to what is shown on the websites for those packages.
If someone has an easier way to change the php configure switches without  
having to reinstall apache2 and php5 AFTER doing an FC4 install I would  
appreciate hearing about it.

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