Robert Cahn <robertscahn@xxxxxxxxx> writes: > Thanks for the suggestion about copy protection. I now notice that > the disc has a logo on the back cover of the jewel box that says "Copy > Controlled". Evidently whatever they do is good enough to defeat the > Sound Juicer app and screw up any attempt to mount the drive. I > suspect that the drive can't figure out if it's an audio disc or a > data CD with real problems. You might also be able to find a CD drive that is a bit more tolerant of the intentionally bad data that these unplayable discs have. My old plextor CDR (Plexwriter 8/4/32A) does a pretty good job of playing anything I can play in the stereo's CD player. I've also seen certain discs lock up a different CD drive's firmware, but it was never been bad enough that the whole computer locked up. I wonder if you are seeing the IDE bus lock up or if the linux kernel is just getting confused too. If your CD and disks share an IDE cable you might want to move it to its own cable and see of that prevents the total lock-ups. -wolfgang -- Wolfgang S. Rupprecht