Re: changing permissions for subdirectories

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Benjamin Sher wrote:

Dear Paul:

P.S. Please do not top-post on this mailing list (see

Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

I was not aware that this was bad Netiquette. Just read about it online. Will try to avoid this in the future for all mailing lists.

Ummm, considered bad etiquette by *some*.

I quote from the Wiki he suggested you use


Unsurprisingly, different online communities differ on whether or not
top posting is objectionable; but if it is found objectionable in a
particular community, top-posting in that community will generally be
seen as major breach of etiquette and will provoke particularly
vehement responses from self-named community regulars.

Objections to top-posting, as a general rule, seem to come from persons
who first went online in the earlier days of Usenet, and in communities
that date to Usenet's early days. Among the most vehement communities
are those in the Usenet comp.lang hierarchy, especially comp.lang.c and
comp.lang.c++. Etiquette is looser (as is almost everything) in the alt
hierarchy. Newer online participants, especially those with limited
experience of Usenet, tend as a general rule, to be less sensitive to
top-posting, and tend to reject any argument against top-posting as irrelevant. A typical contrarian view holds that their software top-posts and they like it.
Note the point on different communities differ, and the ones
who complain are self-appointed cops, another thing the
Internet is rife with and which are AT LEAST as objectionable

My preference is to cut the fat, and reply in-line to the
comments/questions. I also like short lines terminated by
carriage returns. I don't like enormous lines. I also don't
like HTML in e-mail.

I've had many who claim it's because I'm in the dark ages. But
I'm not. I was using HTML back in 1977. It just isn't appropriate
in e-mail.

That said, I wish people who have really strong opinions would
(a) prefereably keep them to themselves
(b) if they just can't keep quiet, then state their preferences
   in a polite manner, and make requests or
(c) just go away.

'Nuff said.

The topics here are supposed to be Fedora related.


This message made from 100% recycled bits.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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