Re: Instalation Fedora Core 4 with nofb

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Tomás Fariña wrote:

Hi how are you, this is because I express myself poorly in English.

The installation of FC4 worked for me with "linux nofb"; I can login either
in text mode (init 3) or in graphics mode (init 5). Since it seems using
has something to do with the Frame Buffer, I would like to know why it
is necessary.

I wish to note that this is a translation of a message he sent
me. That may explain the introduction he used. He sent the message
to me, and I translated all of it.

Anyway, he has sent some earlier messages which had some information
but which his limited knowledge of English prohibited him from
expressing. More information may be found in those messages
concerning what kind of hardware he is using.

In any case, what is posted here in return I hereby volunteer to
try to translate for him, and forward via separate e-mail.


This message made from 100% recycled bits.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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