Ben Steeves said the following on 05/07/2005 18:01:
On 7/5/05, Antonio Montagnani <anto.montagnani@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I had no time, I am on a production machine, so I made a backup of my
files on a CD, deleted user and re-created same user.
It took 15 minutes.....
Next time just move .gnome out of the way (mv .gnome dot-gnome or
something like that) and see if it solves your problem. Doing that
has saved my bacon a few times. It's a little like squashing a fly
with a sledgehammer, but when you're short on time it is helpful.
which ones of .gnome, .gnome 2, gnome-private??
Any other suggestion??
And what is causing the mess??? as user was working fine until last night...
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