Re: Major Security Flaw with apache (apr) on FC3 & FC4

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Alexander Dalloz wrote:

Am Di, den 05.07.2005 schrieb FC um 12:36:

A little addon
part of the script (phpfm) doing it ..
if (!isset($dir_atual)){
       $dir_atual = $path_info["dirname"]."/";
       if (!$islinux) $dir_atual = ucfirst($dir_atual);
   } else $dir_atual = formatpath($dir_atual);
   $is_reachable = (stristr($dir_atual,$doc_root)!==false);

Question is .. Why does the system allow it ??
Because you misconfigure it to allow it. Why do you set

chown apache:apache /var/www/html

or any other directory inside the DocumentRoot toi be that?

If the phpfm tool does need such permissions I feel it is broken by
design and a security flaw by its own. Not an Apache (apr) problem.

My 2¢


"chown apache:apache /var/www/html" Was just to test the behaviour
I am using many virtualhosts on a diff partition and each dir is owned by a different user
so mentioned the apache.apache for testing purpose :)

I just had a user installing phpfm on his vhost and he had troubles ..
that's how I found out about this .. suphp wont allow world writeable docroots. reason why he had problems :)


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