Apologies if this has been posted multiple times. I've tried twice
already but my comps.xml seems to be to big an attachment so I've
removed it.
I'm trying to produce a single disk fedora core 3 install, based on
a custom set up I use.
I can't seem to get "getnotincomps.py" to tell me what rpms I
don't need. It just keeps producing key errors. I've tried just
try-excepting the key error to see how far it gets. But every package
causes the problem.
The following is the process I'm using, based on the wiki and other
sources of information.
- I followed the environment set here </x-tad-bigger>http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/AnacondaBuildEnvironment?highlight=%28CategoryAnaconda%29<x-tad-bigger>
- Got and edited getfullcomps.py and changed RedHat to Fedora.
- Edit my comps.xml
- Tried running: getfullcomps.py comps.xml /var/fedora_dev/fedora-custom/ i386
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package openCryptoki
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package prctl
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package redhat-logos
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package compat-libgcc-295
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package compat-libgcc-296
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package compat-libgcc-32
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package compat-libstdc++-295
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package compat-libstdc++-296
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package compat-libstdc++-32
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package gtkglarea
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package openCryptoki
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package elilo
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package indexhtml
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package iprutils
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package ppc64-utils
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package redhat-logos
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package rpmdb-redhat
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package s390utils
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package yaboot
CRITICAL ERROR: Unable to find package anaconda-product
- I tried to recover the rpm names to help finding the missing ones:
rpm -q --qf '%{NAME}\n' -p i386/Fedora/RPMS/*.rpm > rpm_names.txt
- grep "s390utils" rpm_names.txt and nothing is found!? I tried this with the other missing packages with the same result. I commented out the missing packages for the moment.
- genhdlist --withnumbers --productpath Fedora $BASE/fedora-custom/i386
- pkgorder $BASE/fedora-custom/i386/ i386 Fedora > $BASE/fedora-custom/i386/package_order.txt
- genhdlist --withnumbers --productpath Fedora $BASE/fedora-custom/i386
- genhdlist $BASE/fedora-custom/i386 --withnumbers --fileorder=$BASE/fedora-custom/i386/package_order.txt
- /usr/share/comps-extras/getnotincomps.py $BASE/fedora-custom i386 Fedora/base:
name <bash>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/comps-extras/getnotincomps.py", line 62, in ?
File "/usr/share/comps-extras/getnotincomps.py", line 51, in main
for pkg in comps.packages[name].dependencies:
KeyError: 'bash'
<x-tad-bigger>Any help in sorting this out would be appreciated,
Thanks in advance,