ACPI and NFS lockup

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I'm having a problem with the ACPI daemon on my laptop. Every once in a while, X will lock up and nothing will respond, so I try reseting X by pressing Alt+Ctrl+Backspace. Normally X will automatically restart itself, but on these occasions, it won't. Then I switch to my first virtual terminal with Alt+Ctrl+F1 and log in as root. From there I try restart the network services because I am connected to my network through a wireless adapter. After typing in 'service network restart', it just hangs while trying to shutdown the adapters, so abort the operation and try rebooting my computer. Everything shutsdown fine until I hit the ACPI daemon. There it just sits and hangs. If I let it sit long enough, I'll get a message about not being able to connect to, which happens to be my NFS server (along with many other services), but I think it's NFS that's causing the problem because other problems have arrisen from my laptop not being able to hold a connection with the server. My NFS server is currently hard linking so my laptop will retry until it gets its connection back, but even when I stand right next to the router with my laptop in my hands, it still won't recover the connections. I would like to know why ACPI has anything to do with this, or if I'm just seeing a symptom at ACPI shutdown time, but is actually connected to some object working with it behind the scenes. Would having my home folder on the NFS server make a difference? Does ACPI need something from my home folder and when NFS loses its connection, it locks up?
Thanks for any help,
Justin Willmert

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