I looked at the fedora -list first trying to find a solution. Here is the problems,
1) I did a successful install
2) During any boot I will get a Kernel panic (even tried the abcedf at boot time work around) this is what I see
STARTING PCMIA: CPU0:Machine Check Exception 000000000000004 Kernel Panics not syncing Cpu context corrupt
then it hangs sometimes it boots no problems the will hang whenever no pattern that I can find(yet)
Other problems are rpm will not install a new kernel , I can't get chmod to work even when it says it does
I did a sha1sum on the DVD iso all checks good before installation.
I have had Fc1,2,3, all run with no problems. This is a Compaq laptop model EVO640c. Once in awhile can get FC4 to run but it may hang with no warning.
I will continue looking for the solution
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