Hi, I have a few problems with FC4 and wonder whether any of them has something to do with SElinux. 1) smb and nfs share won't start at boot (reported OK, but doesn't work). I have to manually restart the service to make them work. 2) My printer doesn't work since my last update (at least I think that's the cause as last week it worked well and I haven't changed a thing on the system besides an update). 3) nvidia driver goes funny when I switch terminal (crtl-alt-F1). Of the above problems I couldn't find any obvious reason why they would fail. I know little about SElinux and suspect it's the cause for wasting my time. I'd like to disable it and when I'm sure it works fine for me enabling it again. Is this possible without any risk to my files (I don't care about security risks) ? Regards, Marcel