Re: Fedora Core 4 -- 1387 Kernel Problem Compaq nx9010 Laptop

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Markus Huber wrote:

Robert L Cochran wrote:

The 1387 kernel for Fedora Core 4 seems broken on my HP Compaq nx9010 laptop. Kernel messages seem to stop dead shortly after "setting hostname to localhost.localdomain" but pressing the <enter> or ctrl-alt-delete keys seems to restart messages very s-l-o-w-l-y.

Had another issue with this kernel:
booting on the desktop was ok, but starting winrar through wine froze the whole system. I tried the kernel from the development tree and everything seems to be fine. So I hope for a kernel update soon.
My installed kernels are:
$ rpm -q kernel

Markus Huber

I can boot fine with kernel-2.6.12-1.1400_FC5 but get the same lockup seen with kernel-2.6.12-1.1387_FC4 as with kernel-2.6.12-1.1411_FC5. Are you using a system that relies ACPI to be functional? I cannot boot with either.

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