Re: FC3 gnome-volume-control broken

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Bill R. Williams wrote:

Linux 2.6.11-1.35_FC3 #1 Mon Jun 13 00:52:08 EDT 2005 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

Somewhere along the line my gnome-volume-control stopped working.
It *was* working in FC3  and I seldom mess with it unless I'm doing something
which requires the mixer -- like recording from an LP!
Which means I have no idea what/when it got broken.  (Perhaps an
update?  I've about given up using SElinux; seems like every update to
selinux-policy-targeted kills something and I have to turn it off!)
Sorry, got off on a tangent, there.

Using the speaker icon on my task bar is futile:
	Attempting move the slider -- it just reverts to BOTTOM.
	Attempting to R-Click->Open Volume Control gets an error box
which says: Sorry, no mixer elements and/or devices found.

When that happened here I found that (from your home directory) if you:

1. rm .gnome2/gnome-volume-control

2. click on the volume control and it works again.

I have no indication WHY this changes things as IIRC the file that is (re)generated appears to be identical to the one erased in bot permissions and content.





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