Re: Some thoughts for the future

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Mike McCarty wrote:
John Summerfied wrote:

. m a r c o s a u g u s t o wrote:

It'll be so easy for linux os to be "the OS" in earth

That would not be good. We need the diversity of alternatives, of competition. What happened to IE after MS "won" the browser war? Nothing. It's only now, after Firefox et al have had tabs for years that MS is thinking of maybe adding this feature sometime.

I agree with the sentiment about diversity. No one size fits all. I like the
way Firefox is more adaptable than IE. More of the features can be
"customized". But you know something? Not all features even deserve
to exist. IMO, tabbed browsing is one of them. Not the best feature ever
dreamed up. I'd like all the features to be configurable, even disableable.
It would be nice NOT TO HAVE TABS AT ALL.

So, it seems to me, that your own prejudices are showing a little bit. IMO,
IE is better than Firefox in this respect. OTOH, Firefox does allow one,
sort of, to turn tabs off.
Nothing forces you to use them. OTOH I regularly (most days) read  ( and for 
North Americans). open the home page, then middle-click all the 
interesting items.
I then start reading the first to load, middle-click any interesting 
links and so on until I'm done.
Right now I have 42 windows open spread over 18 desktops, several 
browsers have several tabs - one has 15, but I often have more, and most 
konsoles also have several.
However, I can specify the "default search engine" to be
either "Google" or "Ask Jeeves", but I cannot specify "none". I can specify
where to open the search tab, but I cannot specify "no search tab".
The search tab is the first thing I turn off.

You can have endless fun stuffing round with the Mozilla family of browsers in about:config. Probably, you can even get no search engine.

As a more general comment, it seems to me that all options which are
configurable should be disableable. For example, I have a mouse with
a wheel, and the wheel is also "clickable". I find that I can configure
the third button to do any of several things, but "nothing" is not one of
I could certainly make it do nothing in some contexts, but I don't see how that would be useful.
For example, I use KDE, If I middle-click the desktop, the default 
behaviour is to open a window list. I _can_ change that to do nothing.

If you feel strongly that you should be able to turn off selected mouse clicks, by all means file a bug report and be prepared to argue your case.

I'm not trying to dump on Firefox. I like it. It's more configurable than
IE. But IMO not configurable enough. I find that I'm frequently
accidentally doing things with the mouse because I can't just disable
If you have special accessibility requirements, I suggest you take it up 
with the developers of your preferred desktop. Probably, if you can make 
a good case you will get a sympathetic hearing.



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