Re: FC4 good new tech, bad legacy support

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Richard Kelsch wrote:

Ok people, I'm not trying to be a bummer here, so please read this as if it was meant to entertain, not insult. Think of me as a whining comic. However, there is a seriousness to the root of this message:
After installing FC4 I was impressed with all of the new features, 
speed and such.  As a stand alone OS, it is superb.  For me, 
everything "stock" worked "out of the box."  All hail Fedora Core 4!  
I was singing praises, people were on the streets in awe.  Life was 
good.  The installation went well, it operated well, everything that 
was installed from the "core" or "extras" binary rpms worked superb...
However, I noticed after I started installing software I needed 
(gzipped sourcem CPAN modules etc.), it's not very compatible with 
older "legacy" software.  In fact, as a rule, getting software not in 
the "core", "extras", or "freshrpms" trees to work is a royal pain in 
the fanny.  Nothing compiles without errors.  In fact, luck is a big 
factor getting anything to work once you think you've got it 
compiled.  This isn't an issue with only one piece of software, 
otherwise I'd consider myself ranting.  No, I'm not going to file 
numerous bug reports for things I'm not exactly sure where the bug 
is.  Yes, I had tried the gcc32 trick as well, and nothing works like 
it should. 
If the software doesnt work with either gcc 3.2 or gcc 4.x then its 
probably broken. GCC 4.x is there as the primary compiler. compat-gcc-32 
for legacy support. I am not sure what else could be done better here. 
any ideas?

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