[SOLVED] Re: How to install festival Spanish support?

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Tom Broadhurst wrote:

You have to do a little work, but check out this page:
Thanks Tom!
It wasn't that difficult after all :)
I went to the download section of that page, and reading the VOICES.README I found out that I needed the festvox_ellpc11k.tar.gz tarball.
I decompressed the 'spanish' directory included in that tarball into 
/usr/share/festival/voices, and I was done. The dir structure of the 
tarball is quite different from the Fedora festival package, but it was 
easy to guess where to put the files.
Anyway, I don't know who's in charge of festival packaging, but maybe 
there should be a 'festival-extras' or 'festival-voices' RPM (at least 
in extras) with all the other stuff that comes with festival.


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