Re: yum first-time user question

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tom poe wrote:
It has been an interesting 24 hours.  Managed to get what appears to be
a RH8 apt-get dist-upgrade to take.  Now, also have a yum version for
rh8 installed, and a /etc/yum.conf file to look at.  I want to use yum
to move rh8 up to rh9.  Can you point me to the documentation to set yum
up to do that?  Any pointers appreciated.  My goal is to keep upgrading
until I get to FC4.  Is this doable, without the ability to burn CDs?
Yes, by doing a fresh install from the network :-). Seriously now, there
are some issues about upgrading from one version to another using yum.
See the list archives. The recommended to install FC4 is backup - fresh
install - get the data back from the backup.


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