Re: Some thoughts for the future

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Richard Kelsch wrote:

Richard Kelsch wrote:

Are you saying you're too incompetent? I don't think the Fedora crew is incompetent. I think, like all human beings, they can make mistakes and learn from them. There are many different types of Linux users out there. I don't and never will, consider myself a OS coder. It's better left to those that get off on those things. The intelligent ones can look to others for ideas without the ego trip of whining "why don't you do it yourself?"
All of the major auto makers wouldn't exist today if they just told 
people to shut up and build their own car.  Henry Ford only got away 
with it until he had competition.  So next time you hear someone 
conplain about their car, you be sure to stand up proudly and tell 
them to design and build their own car their way.  You can feel like 
you accomplished something, confident in knowing you bettered the 
automotive industry.  I think those in the auto companies want to 
know what people want so they can make a better car.  What the 
engineers think is better doesn't necessarily translate to the user.  
Remember that and you won't look luck such and idiot next time 
someone offers an idea.
You'd think I'd stop thinking faster than I type.  Ahem, let's try 
this again...  "Remember that, and you won't look like such an idiot 
next time someone offers an idea."  Much better, perhaps this was his 

I appreciate your time answering this arrogant fellow. I started to,
but then decided he just wasn't worth it.


This message made from 100% recycled bits.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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