I know nothing about Chinese, but some of you do. I'm writing a Gedit plugin using Unicode. My plugin wraps text for block comments in programs, and it assumes a fixed-width font, such as Monospace. Reading about Unicode, I see that in a "fixed-width" font that some characters are double-wide, and I'm wondering if I need to handle that in Gedit. I installed ttfonts-zh_CN in an attempt to see what happens with Chinese characters in Gedit, but I'm not sure what I learned. I think that AR PL Kait6iM GB is monospaced, but 7 random (double-width) chinese characters take up 13 western characters, not 14. They also do so in other fonts I tried (most seemed to substitute AR PL SungtiL GB for the Chinese characters). Is this double-width thing real, or am I confused? Does Gedit do it, say, if a real Chinese language installation is done? Does it make any sense to try to handle Chinese characters? Do word-wrapping and Chinse go together in, say, C programming source code comments? If they do go together, uhh, what constitutes word breaks? Those odd Unicode spaces? Any double-wide character boundary? (Not followed by punctuation?) ____________________________________________________________________ TonyN.:' <mailto:tonynelson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ' <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>