Re: SSH trickery using -R

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Deron Meranda wrote:

You probably want -R 10002:localhost:22 instead.

The first number is the number of the port on the REMOTE host
(the one you're logging into) which will be opened in a LISTEN
state.  The last number is the port on "localhost" to which the
connection will be tunneled.
and for a completlly different solution try a VPN. I use openvpn. I've 
used it to tunnel throuhg a firewall - only the openvpn port needs to be 
passed through, and if you're not on an authorized box you don't use my 
LAN for anything. No broken wep (or even worse, completely open wireless 
I use it from dialup (dynamic IP) to ADSL (static IP) and ADSl (dynamic) 
to static.
It gives me commplete transparent access to LANs on either side (I am 
the administrator for all systems;  others have more controlled access).



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