M.Lewis wrote:
I'm having a problem logging into Squirrel Mail. I have the following
in the log:
Jun 29 14:40:40 cygnus kernel: audit(1120081240.918:0): avc: denied
{ connect } for pid=4379 exe=/usr/sbin/httpd
Earlier today, I did the procedure that's been described in the past
week by Alexander I believe:
su -
rpm -ev selinux-policy-targeted selinux-policy-targeted-sources
rm -fR /etc/selinux/targeted/
rpm -ivh
touch /.autorelabel
Still I'm having the error shown above. Suggestions?
I ended up doing this to get it to work:
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
setsebool -P dovecot_disable_trans=1
Now that SELinux doesn't mess with Dovecot, and the http flag is
changed, Dovecot can connect to http. I also had to change some SELinux
settings before I could get to any files through SAMBA, and more to get
my WAN link to come up on boot. When SELinux prevented me from
getting/putting files to my home directory and ALSO prevented me from
cd'ing out of my home directory, I ended up disabling it completely.
Now eveything works. :-)
Use: setenforce 0 to temporarily disable SELinux to see if it fixes
that are broke. It'll re-enable the next time you reboot.
(apologies if this shows up on the list multiple times. I was having
mail trouble and it looked like nothing was getting through)