Re: Missing xorg-libs error when I try to install gnome software devel

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Sorry! So FC4 and I try to install it from CD with Gnome->System Settings->Add/Remove Applications.
and the error I get is::
Package error:
Unlocatable package | Required by
xorg-x11-libs       | xorg-x11-xfs
xorg-x11-libs       | xorg-x11

Thank you for your help

On 06/29/05 at  9:40 AM you wrote:
 Am Mi, den 29.06.2005 schrieb Laszlo Antal um 18:22:

 > I can't install gnome software devel with add-remove programms.
 > I complains missing xorg-libs and xorg-x11-libs.
 > When I run rpm -qa grep ^xorg.
 > Itt does list those package beeing installed.

 > Laszlo Antal

It would be helpful to show us the exact output and to say which Fedora release you are using and which repositories (where the "gnome software
 devel" comes from if not Core or Extras).


 Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG 0xB366A773
 legal statement:
 Fedora Core 2 GNU/Linux on Athlon with kernel 2.6.11-1.35_FC2smp
 Serendipity 18:39:05 up 4 days, 1:31, load average: 0.18, 0.23, 0.24
Laszlo Antal

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