Re: Restarting the mouse after KVM switch

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Add the kernel parm psmouse.proto=imps to avoid mouse problems

David Gavin wrote:

On Wed, June 29, 2005 11:08, Dotan Cohen said:
Hi list,
We have two computers here at home, so I set up a KVM. Sometimes when
switching back to the FC4 machine (Duron 1.3gHz, 512 ram) The mouse
does not work, but the keyboard does. What to restart to re-enable the
mouse? I would rather not restart X because there is usually work open
on the desktop.

The fault may be with the KVM because the WinXP box also loses the
mouse sometimes when switching. But restarting the machine (either of
them) always gets the mouse back. I believe, in keeping with popular
linux theory, that there is something that I can do to avoid
restarting FC4.

Er, OT: does anyone know what to do in windows to get the mouse back?
I acually haven't researched that yet, as I am not familiar with any
resources for windows users (other than google).

Dotan Cohen
Osbourne, Ozzy Song Lyrics

Try CTL+ALT+F1 - that'll take you back to text mode and then ALT+F7 which
should take you back to your X session. That works most of the time for
me, but if you're using an un-powered KVM switch you may be stuck with no
mouse. It seems that powered switches are able to maintain the PS/2 mouse
signal while switching where the un-powered ones sometimes "hiccup" and
lose the mouse.
The Belkin FAQ for their KVM suggests that you make sure that the mouse
is not moving at all when you switch systems.

Dave Gavin

Ray Pittigher
The Credit Index
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