Re: yum - lack of features

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William Hooper wrote:
Adam Gibson wrote:

I wish yum supported excludes per repository for that reason.  I
sometimes want to use a repository but dont want that 3rd party repo to
ever update some core packages.  Placing an excludes in a section for a
specific repo doesn't seem to work.

WORKSFORME.  Perhaps you can provide details on what doesn't seem to work
for you?
Wow. it does work :).  I remember trying this in FC3 and it would not 
ignore a package from a repo but I guess it must have been a typo or 
something on my part.

It would be nice to have the opposite
of that too so that you could state that only the packages I list here
should be updated from this specific repository(sometimes you just want a
few packages from a certian repo.

That's what "includepkgs" is for.

Hmmm... what other features can I think of that will just materialize 
with the next reply.  Kitchen sinks seem to come to mind :).
Thanks for the information...  Both of those features are well 
documented in the man page... I should have looked again before posting. 
 I somehow missed them last time I browsed the man page in FC3.

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