On Mon, 2005-06-27 at 22:03 -0400, Tim Holmes wrote: > > > On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 01:54 +0200, Mark Panen wrote: > > Hi > > > > Is there a Fedora extras iso image one can download ? I see there is a > > repo but i can't seem to find any iso image. > > Create your own repo and then use rsync nightly to keep it up to date. > > > I for one would be quite interested if someone could post instructions or a link on how to PROPERLY create a local repo (mine will be FC3). I use lftp to do it. lftp mirror will only grab new files, so once mirrors are created - keeping them updated is little bandwidth. You also could use rsync, but rsync access is not given to everyone. Some mirrors may allow you rsync access, some don't. I have a user with permission to write to /var/ftp/yum This runs in his crontab once a night #!/bin/bash function mirror_release { REL="$1" ARCH="$2" CORE="ftp://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/${REL}/${ARCH}/os/"; UPDATES="ftp://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/updates/${REL}/${ARCH}/"; EXTRAS="ftp://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/${REL}/${ARCH}/"; MR_CORE="/var/ftp/pub/yum/fedora/core/${REL}/${ARCH}/os/" MR_UPDATES="/var/ftp/pub/yum/fedora/core/updates/${REL}/${ARCH}" MR_EXTRAS="/var/ftp/pub/yum/fedora/extras/${REL}/${ARCH}/" [ ! -d ${MR_CORE} ] && mkdir -p ${MR_CORE} [ ! -d ${MR_UPDATES} ] && mkdir -p ${MR_UPDATES} [ ! -d ${MR_EXTRAS} ] && mkdir -p ${MR_EXTRAS} # cd ${MR_CORE} # lftp -e 'mirror -e && exit' ${CORE} cd ${MR_UPDATES} lftp -e 'mirror -X debug/* -e && exit' ${UPDATES} cd ${MR_EXTRAS} lftp -e 'mirror -X debug/* -e && exit' ${EXTRAS} } mirror_release 3 i386 mirror_release 4 i386 mirror_release 4 ppc mirror_release 4 x86_64 echo "mirror completed at `date`" |mail -s "mirror_report" mpeters@localhost -=- Once core is synced - I comment out the core stuff since it doesn't change.