Re: OT: someone know about engines?

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Andy Pieters wrote:


I know this is OT, but I can't find a suitable place to ask.

We have this two stroke engine and we forgot to mix in the 2stroke oil in the gas. Now it doesn't work anymore but what did actually break? I took (almost) everything appart; air filter, spark plug, carburetor. The only thing I didn't was open the cylinder.
Anybody have any ideas?

With kind regards


My Guess is that the piston is seized in the cylinder, or worse, the connecting rod is seized to the crankshaft.
remove the sparkplug

place the engine so that the cylinder is in an upright position.

pour in the best penetrating oil you can get. I reccommed LPS.

Let the oil penetrate for a long time. a day if possible.

Then attempt to rotate the crankshaft by any means possible. You might have to apply a wrench to the output shaft.
The engine should start if you can get it to rotate freely. It will not 
last as long as it should, as the cylinder will be scored, and gasses 
will bypass the rings.

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