FC3 i386 I was reading some posts to the list about trying to stop all the excessive (and useless) log entries to /var/log/messages from crond(pam_unix): Jun 23 15:41:01 crond(pam_unix)[7136]: session opened for user root Jun 23 15:41:01 crond(pam_unix)[7136]: session closed for user root Jun 23 15:42:01 crond(pam_unix)[7164]: session opened for user root Jun 23 15:42:01 crond(pam_unix)[7164]: session closed for user root As you can see, we have a /etc/cron.minute folder that contains things that run EVERY MINUTE, as well as crons for five minutes and 15 minutes, in addition to the standard ones that run every hour, and day etc. You can imagine how massive and full of crap our /var/log/messages log gets due to this. Since it appears that no one is planning on fixing the problem, we end-folk have to resort to hacking up syslog to ignore it (I've never come across this in various other versions of redhat, fedora, and even yellowdog). Regarding: https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-list/2005-February/msg06858.html After futzing with the log level for "auth" in syslog... I have come to the conclusion that it was poorly implemented in the crond daemon. I HAVE to set logging from 'auth' to 'auth.none', as no other log level squelches the messages. To me, that is poor implementation, that such useless messages are considered "emerg" level log events! Has anyone come up with a better solution to this issue, and I didn't catch it in the list archives? -Randall Shaw