RE: "Search of the Archives.."

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-----Original Message-----
From: fedora-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:fedora-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Tony Nelson
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:29 PM
To: fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Screensaver on FC 4

At 4:22 PM +0200 6/22/05, Alexander Dalloz wrote:
>Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1;
>	protocol="application/pgp-signature";
>	boundary="=-PSu8S8I8/bTntcfjj9fc"
>Am Mi, den 22.06.2005 schrieb John Trump um 16:16:
>> When I am logged in and go to set preferences for my screen saver,
>> under Mode I have Random Screen Saver selected. In the box below I do
>> not see any screensavers. Do I need to install another package?
>yum search xscreensaver
>The topic has been covered multiple times since FC4 is out. Please check
>the list archive before posting.

Does searching the list archives work for you?  It doesn't work for me.
For example, searching for "xscreensaver" in June or even May produces no
results.  Searching the whole list produces results from 2003.  A Google
search for:


produces 2 messages, from early June.  A search of my saved messages
produces 18 messages (if I counted right).

In fact, searching any list that seems to use the same software as this
list doesn't work for me.  I suspect that the indexing software is broken
or isn't being run.

Bottom line:  Google search works, but is not up-to-date enough to have
relevent messages for the OP.  List search does not work, so telling users
to do it does not seem helpful.
TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynelson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      '                              <>

In my few ventures into the "Search of the Archives" I too also seem to
realize I cannot find what I am looking for either.  I think some of the
issue is that it appears there is no way to limit the search to a particular
month or set of months in the archives.. Plus as noted previously, the
on the newer issues just does not seem to be there.  I repeated the search
the list search function and obtained similar/identical results Everything
from 2003 or 2004 at the latest... I find that searches through my own email
seem the most reliable but due to storage and the volume of mail I only keep
about 3-4 weeks worth active...  Seems like the mailman or what ever tools
is being
used to perform the archive/search may need to be looked at...

John Best

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