I agree with Lars Pettersson; I have installed FC3/FC4 on three different computers and I am using US and Swedish keyboards alternately and have no problem. During install I used the US keyboards and then installed system-config-keyboard and gnome-applets. When I add Keyboard Indicator to the panel I add the 'other' keyboard and note the default under Layouts. This then allows me to switch keyboards by simply clicking on 'USA' or 'SWE' and it will shift from one keyboard to another. All keys operate as expected. Not only that, since I am using the US keyboard by default, I do not even have to plug in the Swedish keyboard but just change layout, of course, if I can remember where the keys are on the Swedish keyboard. Consequently, '@£$€¥{[]}\±´øæöäå' were all typed on the US keyboard with the layout set to 'SWE'.On 21 Jun 2005 10:11:40 +0200, "Lars E. Pettersson" <lars@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
To answer your question in the subject; yes, works perfectly for me on three different computers.
Not sure I can help you though. But have you tried to run system-config-keyboard? Have you made any changes in Kde/Gnome regarding keyboards?
I just installed FC4 from the CD:s I downloaded from Chalmers and during that process I told it I had a Swedish keyboard. I don't even know where I can make changes to Kde/Gnome....
In the menu on the desktop I managed to find where I can add a second
keyboard layout (US) and when I activate that I am able to type @ and
the other characters but then not ÅÄÖ åäö anymore.. :-(
So now I can switch between two different keyboards but they both are unable to type certain characters. Not so really good.
Bo Berglund