hi.. i'm trying to find a mailing list for flash, since i need a flash developer for a pet project i'm mulling over. i've been looking over google/macromedia with no real luck... thought someone here might know. any ideas/thoughts/etc??? -bruce bedouglas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ps.. here's what i'm looking for.. ---------------------------- i'm looking at a personal project and need to know if there's anyone on this list with serious flash skills! i'm considering a really basic app where a user is able to use their mouse, to select various items/shapes in a given imagemap.. i'd like to allow the user to see the image...to select various items/shapes within the image, to capture this array of item/shape location in an array, encrypt the information, and send it back to the server... not much ehh!! if there's someone here, that i can talk to about this, i'd appreciate it! ----------------------------