Due to installation problem in Fedora Core, is it a chance to make the Fedora Core 4 to re-issue a newer version to release 2 or like Fedora Core 4.1? So lots of people can install it ?
Because in past, I noted that when a new vserion release, we encountered lots of installation problem and requested to release a newer version in installation but igroned.
So, is it a time to perform this action ? Just like M$ to tell users to replace the computer and installed the OS?
Wong Kwok Hon
That's an exaggeration.
1. The only problems I have had thus far with the Fedora software /per se/ came about when I had /one/ installation disk turn out to be bad. I found a mirror, had a new image downloaded in forty-five minutes (and burnt in another twenty), put the new disk in, and moved on.
2. I won't deny that I've had some problems (with a fresh, clean, formatted reinstallation on a Gateway 1000 XL). But they have /not/ been Fedora problems. Every problem I have had so far, I have traced to someone outside the Fedora project. I've seen repositories that don't even have their directory structure set up for the $releasever variable to resolve properly (Dries, Flash, and newrpms, which is /never/ ready on time). I've seen others that are incompletely populated (dag, at-stable). All these things tell me that next time I should wait a few more weeks for the repos to get populated with release-specific builds. (I might have to add a few baseurls to my dag.repo file--I found one package I wanted on an ftp domain but not the usual http domains. Weird--but easy to test.)
I've also seen some problems that result from certain developers--and anyone here who has tried to build mplayer or passwordmanager from source on FC4 will know /exactly/ what I'm talking about--who evidently refused to bring their code up to the new GNU standards. I've seen another problem with another package that I'll discuss separately. The point is that those aren't inherent Fedora problems. I also think we've got a good team here, and those problems will go away--or we'll work around them.
Further to that, Fedora comes free of charge, and free to modify, in exchange for a little bit of effort--and at least I can figure out /where/ my efforts would be valuable. Windows can't match that. Besides, FC4 fixes some little annoyances I'd had with 3--such as sound muting itself every time I shut down. Fortunately, that doesn't happen anymore. Thanks, ALSA group.
So--no, I don't think it's a matter of any "new releases." I'd say that if you don't need any packages that you couldn't get from core or extras or livna (or maybe Mike Peters' YJL repositories), then you /should/ install now and make up your mind to issue "yum -y update" right after you finish your first-boot setup. (I got forty-two updates last night just from that; they're coming thick and fast.) If you /do/ need something from the alternates--well, freshrpms is ready now, and dag is getting there. Whereas if you try to install FC3, the updates will have to run overnight.